It’s not about our own glory

I talked in my sermon last Sunday about how our Lord gives all of us disciples a job to do. We’re all on a mission. We’re all “sent” by God to do something, just as John the Baptist was sent. That mission may only be to glorify God in the midst of adversity.

As I said, I struggle with glorifying God. More often than not, I can’t do it without also wanting glory for myself. This is why I found the movie The Gallant Hours, which I referred to on Sunday, so helpful to me.

In the first clip below, Admiral Halsey, alone among his staff, believes that their recent mission to defend Guadalcanal was successful. Why? Because, humble though it was, they accomplished their objective—to fight the Japanese to a standoff. For Halsey and his men, this objective couldn’t be less “glorious” for them.

Most of life’s battles, large and small, are no better than a standoff. But we remember our objective: to glorify God.

In the second clip, Halsey talks one of squadron commanders out of resigning from the command, reminding him that “there are no great men.”


6 thoughts on “It’s not about our own glory”

  1. “We’re all on a mission. We’re all “sent” by God to do something…..”

    You bet we are. And, it’s a good idea to remember that even Jesus was “on a mission”, “sent by God”. No man ever had a tougher mission, or a more important one. Even he asked if he could be spared having to drink from that cup. But God, had plans for him.

    By comparison, whatever little mission I am on seems small, no matter how much it might discomfort me. And yet, I still tend to complain…

  2. Well, can a Christian be entitled to some “glory”? Unquestionably at least most glory goes to God. But, I note Grant’s illustration of Jesus, the “God/man.” Who, for the joy set before him, endured the cross, as a result of which he was highly exalted and raised to sit at the right hand of God. Paul talked of receiving crowns. He spoke of building with gold, silver, precious stones, which warranted rewards. The King/Master said, “Well done, thou good and faithful servant,” and awarded rule over cities. So, God will not share His OWN glory with another, but he does allow for some glory to his children who emulate Him in their lives.

      1. God said to Abraham that he would be blessed as a result of being willing to offer Isaac on the altar. Noah was blessed to be saved from the Flood. Daniel was blessed with a position of authority for his obedience, as was Joseph. Of course most glory will be of the “eternal” variety, but I do think God also “rewards” some of us with some “glory” here and now for our obedience. (I don’t, however, profess to have earned any myself personally!)

    1. I don’t know if we will “get any glory”, but I’m confident that what we get will be glorious!

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